Saturday, 31 October 2020

Weeks 12 to 14 - The Grambler and how to end the pandemic


Welcome to The Grambler, the most ill-informed blog you are ever likely to see.

Stewart was an amazing person - A wonderful husband, a fantastic brother, a loving son and an adored uncle. He was also a brilliant friend and colleague and is missed by so many people. His family are determined that his death will never be in vain and are doing their part to beat bowel cancer for omplgood. We are fundraising for the Bobby Moore Fund which is part of Cancer Research UK and specialises in research into bowel cancer. If you wish to donate to the fund, you can via .

If you haven’t already done so, please read the article which appeared in the Daily Record and learn from Stewart’s story that you must never be cacent. It makes grim reading for us, his family, even though we were beside him throughout his ordeal, or battle; call it what you will.

Similarly, if you haven’t heard it, please listen to Geraldine’s moving radio interview which was on Radio Scotland.

Stewart began writing The Grambler when he was between procedures and hoping for some form of recovery. He loved all aspects of football and was a lifelong Motherwell supporter. His wish was that The Grambler should continue after his death and I have been happy to oblige. Read on and enjoy


During the past few months, there has been little news to speak of other than Covid. However there was a totally unlinked story last week...

Did you see it? The one about... What was it about, again? My memory is hopeless these days. Oh yes, forgetfulness. More especially, dementia. Studies have been made into cold water swimming and how it can help ward off dementia. Apparently, this is something to do with hibernation. Hang on, I think I've picked that up wrong. Hibernation? That can't be right. Yes, I've just looked at the article again and it is... in a round about way. Animals have a protein that protects the brain as they get colder and enter their winter hibernation. The research shows that humans still have such a protein and it kicks in to protect the brain in the same way as we get colder.

I see there being a problem for anyone wishing to conduct their own experiment... where can you find cold water to swim in? Not everyone lives near the sea or a cold water pool. In fact, very few people are able to swim at all in these days of social distancing.

The best option would be to run yourself a cold bath and get in. What if you don't have a bath? How about a cold shower? That might work.

It seems that doctors have known about the benefits of cold on the brain for many years. [So why didn't they tell us about it sooner? - Ed. ] Perhaps, another answer is to gulp down ice cream too quickly... Ooh, it's horrible that brain freeze.

My worry is that politicians will use this to their advantage. How so, I hear you ask. Yes, come the winter when pensioners do their usual and complain about the cost of heating their homes, Bozza and his ilk [He's got a pet moose? - Ed.] will have the answer ready... 'We are dewing this for your own good and are trying tyew prevent yew from getting dementia.' And he'll point a lot to show how serious he is. He does that, doesn’t he? I’ve always been told that it was rude to point but, hey, he’s Bozza; he can do whatever he likes. And he does.

I am now giving you fair warning that I am about to use the C word. [Please don’t. - Ed.] I've got a terrific idea and, not only will it help ward off dementia, it will rid the country of the coronavirus [Oh! That C word. - Ed.] once and for all. Yep. No more Covid. Wow, I hear you say, what can this amazing cure-all be? Well, if scientists could isolate that protein and produce it in enough quantities to give everyone an extra-large dose, we could all hibernate. Sorry pardon excuse me? Yes indeedy. Hibernate. If we’ve got that protein thingy sorted; why not? The entire population could go to their kip for the winter months and not get up again until the spring. In the meantime, the Covid virus will simply have gone. Brilliant, or what? [Definitely what. While you sleep, some less somnambulent types will be busy looting your house. - Ed.] Ah. Good point. [And another thing, scientists are currently working flat out to find a vaccine for the virus; you can’t just stop that and divert their efforts to producing quantities of some protein which has only just been discovered. - Ed.] Okay, you’ve made your point. [And how would your body cope with the new phenomenon of having to store up six months worth of food. - Ed.] All right! No need to go on about it. [And another thing... etc. etc. ad infinitum ]





So it’s farewell to that wonderful and funny star Nobby Ball. I well remember the first time I ever saw him; England had just won the World Cup and little Nobby was cockahoop, grinning away, dancing around Wembley Stadium, and who could blame him? But the moment that sticks in my memory the most was when he went up to England’s captain, Bobby Moore, smiling that toothless smile, tugging on his famous red braces and shouting, ‘Rock on Bobby!’




Let’s move on to the birthday honours, shall we?

Were any famous or notorious individuals born on the 17th of October? Of course there were. Here are some that even I know.

Alexander Gardner 1821 (Photographer. Took the photos of the American Civil War as well as the famous ones of Abraham Lincoln.), Irene Ryan 1902 (Actress. Granny Moses in The Beverly Hillbillies. Her.), Pope John Paul I (The short-serving pontiff, dying in office after only 33 days.), Willie Buchan 1914 (Fitba guy.), Arthur Miller 1915 (The well-known playwright.), Marsha Hunt 1917 (Actress. Blacklisted by House Un-American Activities Committee in 1950 for defending her profession against the prejudices of HUAC. Still with us aged 103.), Rita Hayworth 1918 (Actress, singer and dancer.), Montgomery Clift 1920 (Actor.), George Mackay Brown 1921 (Po-yet.), Harry Carpenter 1925 (Commentator, not a joiner.), Patricia Kneale 1925 (Actress. Judy Adamson in A for Andromeda. Her.), Jeannine Deckers aka The Singing Nun 1933 (Er... a singing nun. Had a big hit with Dominique.), Johnny Haynes 1934 (Footy bloke.), Michael Eavis 1935 (Owner of Worthy Farm, home of the Glastonbury music festival.), Mike Neville 1936 (Television presenter.), David Buck 1936 (Jobbing actor. Earl of Westmorland in The First Part of Henry the Fourth, with the Life and Death of Henry Surnamed Hotspur, The Second Part of Henry the Fourth, including his Death and the Coronation of Henry the Fifth and The Life of Henry the Fifth. Him.), Evel Knievel 1938 (Nutjob.), John McSween 1939 (Butcher.), Jim Smith 1940 (Footy bloke.), Peter Stringfellow 1940 (Nightclub owner.), Jim Seals 1941 (Musician. Half of Seals and Crofts. [Which was he? - Ed.] Have a clip. Here’s Diamond Geezer... sorry, meant Diamond Girl.), Les Green 1941 (Footy bloke. Goalie in the first footy game I ever went to. Derby County vs Preston North End. Derby got beaten 2-1.), Gary Puckett... I said Puckett... 1942 (Musician who, with his Union Gap, had a few hits. Here’s Lady Willpower.), Gregory de Polnay 1943 (Jobbing actor. Det. Sgt. Mike Brewer in Dixon of Dock Green. Him.), James Mulgrew 1945 (Who? Oh, Jimmy Cricket, the silly comedian.), Chris Goffey 1945 (Television presenter.), Vicki Hodge 1946 (Actress, it says here. Also, one-time girlfriend of Prince Andrew.), Cameron Mackintosh 1946 (Theatre producer. He produces shows at the theatre. He doesn’t produce theatres. Mmm. I’ll get me coat.), Margot Kidder 1948 (Actress. Lois Lane in Superman II and Superman III. Her.), George Wendt 1948 (Actor. Norm Peterson in Cheers. Him.), Guy Henry 1960 (Jobbing actor. Starred in Young Sherlock in 1982 and has never looked back. Currently, he’s in Roadkill as Trevor Quinn.), Gregg Wallace 1964 (TV foodie.), Mark Gatiss 1966 (Actor, comedian, screenwriter, director, producer and novelist... In fact, a right old smarty boots.), Ziggy Marley 1968 (Bob’s lad.), Graeme Le Saux 1968 (Footy bloke.), David Robertson 1968 (Fitba guy.), Ernie Els 1969 (Golfy blike.), Wyclef Jean 1969 (Musician. Here’s a big hit of his, Gone Till November.), Andy Whitfield 1971 (Actor. He is Spartacus... No, I’m Spartacus... in the television series of that name.), Eminem 1972 (Rapper. A clip? No chance.), Matthew McFadyen 1974 (Actor. Recently played Charles Ingram in Quiz.), Chuka Umunna 1978 (Ex-politician.), Kimi Räikkönen 1979 (Ralliautoilija.), Liam Garrigan 1981 (Jobbing actor. Iphicles in The Legend of Hercules. Him.), Rolan Bell 1983 (Jobbing actor. Sergeant King in Our Girl. Him.), Felicity Jones 1983 (Actress. Jane Hawking in The Theory of Everything. Her.), Max Irons 1985 (Actor. Joe Turner in Condor... Some American thing... Him.), Dwight Gayle 1989 (Footy bloke.), Zak Hardaker 1991 (Rugby bloke.), Lewis Capaldi 1996 (Singer/songwriter. Here’s his first number 1,  Someone You Loved. Sorry, couldn’t understand a word of that.) and Erin Kellyman 1998 (Actress. Currently playing Maya Stone in Life.).

And now, the 24th of October...

Claude Johnson 1864 (Managing director of Rolls-Royce... He often described himself as the hyphen in the name.), Sybil Thorndike 1882 (Ectress. George Bernard Shaw wrote Saint Joan especially for her.), Jack Warner 1895 (Actor. Famous for one particular role... George Dixon.), Basil Dignam 1905 (Jobbing actor. One of the most recognised faces on British television from its earliest days until his death in 1979, being involved in 184 productions.), Fred Pontin 1906 (Founder of the holiday camps that bore his name.), Tito Gobbi 1913 (Chanter. Have a bit of Rigoletto. [Very nice with parmesan. - Ed.]), Andrew Crawford 1917 (Jobbing actor from the early days of television. He was in The Buccaneers and The Adventures of Sir Lancelot. Remember them? Anyone? Perhaps not. They were made in 1956.), Jim Peters 1918 (Marathon man.), Robin Day 1923 (Presenter of political programmes on the Beeb.), Gilbert Bécaud 1927 (Singer. A clip? Mais bien sûr. Voici Le jour où la pluie viendra ), Clifford Rose 1929 (Another jobbing actor. His first TV role was in 1959; his last... to date... was last year as the Dean of Windsor in The Crown.), J.P. Richardson aka The Big Bopper 1930 (Singer. Have a bit of White Lightning.), Reggie and Ronnie Kray 1933 (Bad guys. Very bad guys. Unbelievably bad guys.), Wally Herbert 1934 (‘Explorer’.), Mark Tully 1935 (Journo.), Bill Wyman 1936 (Ex Rolling Stone. A clip? Why not. Here’s Monkey Grip.  Now we know where Claudia Winkleman got the idea for that hairstyle.), Barry Davies 1937 (Sports commentator.), F. Murray Abraham 1939 (Jobbing actor. Dar Adal in Homeland. Him.), Kevin Kline 1947 (Actor. Otto in A Fish Called Wanda. Him.), Dale Griffin 1948 (Drummy bloke with Mott the Hoople. Have a clip. Here’s Roll Away The Stone Crikey, that audience looks bored.), Phil Bennett 1948 (Rugby bloke.), Paul and Barry Ryan 1948 (Singers. Have a dodgy clip of Have Pity on the Boy.), Asa Hartford 1950 (Fitba guy.), Doreen Lawrence 1952 (Political campaigner.), David Wright 1953 (Musician. Here’s a track from his New Age electronic band Code Indigo, Meltdown.), Sarah Greene 1958 (Television presenter.), Esther McVey 1967 (Politician.), Jackie McNamara 1973 (Fitba guy.), Beth Cordingly 1976 (Jobbing actress. PC Kerry Young in The Bill. Her.), Natalie Anderson 1981 (Actress. Alicia Metcalfe in Emmerdale. Her.), Wayne Rooney 1985 (Footy bloke.) and John Ruddy 1986 (Ex-Motherwell footy bloke.).

And what about October the 31st?

John Keats (Poety bloke. Ode to a Nightingale, that was one of his.), Joseph Swan 1828 (Inventor. Invented the light bulb... before that American bloke.), Charles Plimpton 1894 (Businessman. Invented the bakelite building toy, ‘Bayko’.), Eric Ball 1903 (Composer of music for brass band. Here is Tournament for Brass.), Victor Rothschild 1910 (Rich bloke.), Dale Evans 1912 (Roy Rodgers’ missus.), Daphne Oxenford 1919 (Actress. She appeared on many television productions between 1949 and 2008, but her most famous role was as a storyteller on Listen with Mother, radio programme which ran from 1950 to 1971. It was always introduced by the same music... The Berceuse from Faure’s Dolly Suite.  Are you sitting comfortably? Then I’ll begin.), Dick Francis 1920 (Jockey turned orfer... although there is suggestion that his missus did the bulk of the work. Not the jockey stuff, the writing.), Helmut Newton 1920 (Snapper.), Babara Bel Geddes 1922 (Actress. Miss Ellie in Dallas. Her.), Talfryn Thomas 1922 (Actor isn’t it. Played Mr Cheeseman in Dad’s Army.), J*mmy S*v*l* 1926 (Nonce.), Eddie Braben 1930 (Comedy scriptwriter. Came up with my favourite ever comedy line. You know the one. You do. I told you. I did. You’ve probably forgotten. It was when Frank Finlay (as Casanova) addressed Morecambe and Wise with the line, ‘Gentlemen, I have a long felt want.’ It made me laugh.), Michael Collins 1930 (Pilot of Apollo 11 who didn’t get to walk on the f****** moon... Not that he’s bitter.), Norman Beaton 1934 (Actor. Best known as Desmond Ambrose in Desmond’s.), Jimmy Hill 1935 (Footy bloke.), Tom O’Connor 1939 (Comedian.), Derek Bell 1941 (Racey car bloke.), Tony Tyler 1943 (Orfer.), Tony Hazzard 1943 (Songwriter. Here’s one of his, Ha Ha Said the Clown Another bored audience. Only one guy seems to be enjoying it.), Russ Ballard 1945 (Musician. Here’s his first solo single, Fly Away.), Stephen Rea 1946 (Actor. Carter Brandon in I Didn’t Know You Cared. Him.), Norman Lovett 1946 (Comedian. Holly in Red Dwarf. Him.), Michael Kitchen 1948 (Actor. Christopher Foyle in Foyle’s War. Him.), John Candy 1950 (Actor.), Jane Wymark 1952 (Actress. Joyce Barnaby in Midsomer Murders. Her.), The lovely Debbie McGee 1958 (Paul Daniels missus.), Peter Jackson 1961 (Film maker.), Femi Elufowoju Jr. 1962 (Actor. Prophet Joshua in Sex Education. Him.), Johnny Marr 1963 (Musician. Here’s a solo effort, Easy Money.), Sanjeev Bhaskar 1963 (Comedian/actor. Sunny Khan in Unforgotten. Him.), Rob Rackstraw 1965 (Who? He’s an actor who you perhaps haven’t seen, but he is known as The Voice-Over Man having provided voices for various characters in children’s television programmes such as Bob The Builder, Angelina Ballerina, Dennis & Gnasher, Thomas & Friends and The Octonauts. So, now you know.), Annabella Lwin 1966 (Singer with Bow Wow Wow. Here they are going wild in the country.), Kevin Twaddle 1971 (Ex-Motherwell fitba guy.), Matt Dawson 1972 (Rugby bloke.), Muzzy Izzet 1974 (Footy bloke.), James Thornton 1975 (Actor. John Barton in Emmerdale. Him.), James Tavernier 1991 (Footy bloke.), Ashley Margolis 1993 (Actor. Ricky Campbell in Hollyoaks. Him.), Letitia Wright 1993 (Actor. Shuri in Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame. Her.), Marcus Rashford 1997 (Dinner lady.) and Willow Smith 2000 (Will Smith’s lass.).



I’ve received a letter...

Dear Marvin Gramblisch,

We were both intrigued by your selection of music from The Big Bopper. Perhaps you are unaware that he had a far more famous hit. Can you even name it?

Best regards,

Sean Teal, Lee Layce





Time to gramble. How did The Grambler’s predictions go last time we had a bet? Well, we didn’t lose... much. In fact, we actually got some money back, but 78 pees from a £2.20 stake isn’t very good. is it? What happened? Read on...

Plymouth vs Burton - Prediction Home win

Result - Plymouth 2 Burton 0


Argyle striker Luke Jephcott fired his side ahead after 25 minutes and Byron Moore finished off Plymouth's first attack of the second half to double the lead.

Conor Grant threaded a pass through to Jephcott and the forward sent the ball through Albion keeper Ben Garratt's legs from 10 yards with a shot on the spin.

Garratt made a good save to deny George Cooper in the 36th minute and at the other end Indiana Vassilev should have scored when put through one-on-one on goal but sent his measured shot inches wide.

Argyle surged further ahead when the Brewers failed to deal with Cooper's drilled cross in the 47th minute.

The ball fell kindly to Moore at the back post and he had the easiest job to slam his shot to an unguarded goal.

Burton sought to get back into the game but Plymouth goalkeeper Michael Cooper palmed over Neal Eardley's goal-bound 25-yard free-kick after 73 minutes.


Lincoln vs Bristol - Prediction Home win

Result - Lincoln 1 Bristol 2


After a goalless first period, there was a dramatic start to the second half which saw two goals in the space of three minutes.

First, just a minute after the break, Lincoln led when Jorge Grant's free-kick was headed home by Lewis Montsma and he then collided with a post and required treatment.

That injury played a part as Rovers hit back straightaway. Montsma was running back on to the pitch as Rovers attacked, and a brilliant right-wing cross from Josh Hare was nodded home by James Daly.

Rovers took the lead from a penalty in the 58th minute following a rash challenge by Adam Jackson on Brandon Hanlan. The referee pointed to the spot and Hanlan slammed home.

City pushed for a leveller but their hopes were hindered when Jackson was sent off with seven minutes left for a second bookable offence.


Bolton vs Grimsby - Prediction Home win

Result - Bolton 0 Grimsby 0

Ooh! ’It the bar!

Ali Crawford fizzed two free-kicks wide of the target and a third effort was blocked by Luke Waterfall.

Instead of capitalising on their possession after half-time, Bolton failed to create any worthwhile chances.

And it was the visitors who threatened to beat the Trotters, with substitutes Montel Gibson, Owura Edwards and Terry Taylor all working openings for shots without troubling keeper Billy Crellin.


Cheltenham vs Crawley - Prediction Home win

Result - Cheltenham 2 Crawley 0


The opening goal arrived in the 33rd minute when Ben Tozer's long throw from the right was deflected into his own net by defender Tony Craig under pressure from Will Boyle.

Cheltenham dominated possession and George Lloyd forced Glenn Morris into a low save.

Lloyd then headed a cross from Andy Williams over the bar from a good position as they looked for a second.

Tozer forced Morris into another smart stop in first-half stoppage time, which was followed by an effort from Tyler Frost at the other that was saved by Josh Griffiths.

Cheltenham doubled their advantage three minutes into the second half when the excellent Matty Blair set up Williams and he finished expertly for his second goal of the season.

Josh Doherty thumped an effort wide from long range, but Crawley offered very little threat as the hosts saw out the game comfortably.


Mansfield vs Stevenage - Prediction Home win

Result - Mansfield 0 Stevenage 0

Ooh! ’It the bar! (Twice)

Stevenage had the edge in a scrappy first half and home keeper Marek Stech made two good saves to deny Inih Effiong.

Stech's first touch from a backpass gifted the ball to Effiong after 11 minutes but he recovered to block the finish.

Then in the 29th minute Stech saved well at the near post after Effiong had bustled his way into the box.

Stags' best moment came when Harry Charsley volleyed against the far post from a tight angle after 10 minutes.

Stags improved after the restart and Jamie Cumming saved well at his near post from Nicky Maynard after 62 minutes, while James Perch warmed his hands from 25 yards.

In the 74th minute, Elliott List poked the ball against the home bar from Luther James-Wildin's cross while George Maris agonisingly fired against the Stevenage bar in stoppage time.

Oh well. Can The Grambler improve with this week’s random selections? Let’s see.

Game - Result - Odds

Bournemouth vs Derby - Prediction Home win - 3/5

Barnsley vs Watford - Prediction Away win - 6/5

Wycombe vs Sheffield - Prediction Away win - 10/11

Stoke vs Rotherham - Prediction Home win - 3/4

Luton vs Brentford - Prediction Away win - 8/11

The bets have been placed (10 x 20 pee doubles and 1 x 20 pee accumulator) and if The Grambler’s predictions are spot on, the Bobby Moore Fund stands (or sits) to win a whopping...



1120?  900 years ago [Yes, we can count. - Ed.] was a significant year in that it altered the monarchy of England.  How so, I hear you ask.  Well, in November of that year the White Ship (belonging to King Henry I) sank in the English channel with only one survivor from the 300 or so on board. It was also the biggest maritime disaster to have ever happened at that time, certainly from the sinking of a single vessel.   It was also the original booze cruise as most of the people on board, including the captain, were pretty well sloshed thanks to the abundance of wine that was provided by William Adelin. [Who? - Ed.] This all led to a civil war in England which lasted from 1135 to 1153.  Sorry pardon excuse me?  How can the sinking of one ship cause a war 15 years after it went down, I hear you ask.  The reason for this was that one of those that perished was the already mentioned purveyor of bevvy, William Adelin, who just happened to be the (only legitimate) son and heir of King Henry I.  This meant that when Henry died in 1135 his (only legitimate) heir was his daughter Matilda and the English barons were reluctant to accept her as queen.  Stephen of Blois usurped Matilda [Ooer. - Ed.] as well as his own older brothers William and Theobald to become king.

Not surprisingly, Matilda was less than chuffed about this so she and her husband, Geoffrey of Anjou, launched the long war, known as The Anarchy, against Stephen and his allies.  Towards the end of the war, which was more siege and attrition than battling, Stephen acknowledged Matilda’s son Henry to be his heir.  Thus, basically, all those years of war were unnecessary because he was already Matilda’s heir.

Among those that perished when the White Ship went down were several other members of Henry I’s family, the Earl of Chester and his wife (King Henry’s niece) and members of their family, many nobles from England and Normandy, plus members of the clergy and many other high-ranking travellers.

It would be like all of the Queen’s heirs, the Prime Minister and his cabinet, the Archbishop of Canterbury and several other nobles and politicians from around the world dying in a single incident. Suddenly, Princess Anne would be heir to the throne.  Hmm... Any dodgy ships available for a posh away day?  No no no.  Perish the thought.

It, probably more than any other historical event, has led to important politicians and royals never travelling together in large groups.

There you are, a history lesson you never wanted.




Teaser time. Yay! How did you get on with your five questions? Here are the answers.

1. Who am I?

I was born on the 21st March 1980 in Porto Alegre, Brazil. I began my senior career at my local team, Grêmio, before moving to Paris Saint Germain and then Barcelona where I helped to win the club its first Champions League title in 14 years. In my time at Barca I played in 145 games, scoring 70 goals. I was capped 97 times for Brazil, winning the World Cup in 2002. At that time I was one of the most recognisable faces in football and in 2006 I earned over $19 million endorsing products such as Nike, Pepsi, Coca-Cola, EA Sports, Gatorade and Danone.

Answer: Ronaldo de Assis Moreira aka Ronaldinho

2. When was the last time a club managed by an Englishman won the League Cup?

Answer: 2004; Steve McClaren with Middlesbrough

3. Who has played in the most Premier League games?

Answer: Gareth Barry with 653 appearances

4. Which club has been relegated from the Premier League the most times?

Answer: Sunderland - 4 times (1996/97, 2002/03, 2005/06 and 2016/17)

5. How many teams in the English senior leagues have the word ‘town’ in their name?

Answer: 12 (Luton Town, Huddersfield Town, Ipswich Town, Fleetwood Town, Northampton Town, Shrewsbury Town, Swindon Town, Cheltenham Town, Harrogate Town, Crawley Town, Grimsby Town and Mansfield Town)

How about five for this week?

1. Who am I?

I was born in Ashington, Northumberland in 1935. I played centre back for Leeds United from 1952 to 1973, making 629 appearances. I was capped for England 35 times. I was a member of the World Cup winning side in 1966.

2. What was unusual about Manchester City’s Premier League title of 2011/12?

3. Which player has scored the most goals in a single Premier League game this season (up to 31st October)?

4. What is goalkeeper Rob Green’s dubious claim to fame while playing for England?

5. I’ve come up with another daft one. How many teams in the four English Senior leagues have a direction (north, south, east or west) in their name?

There you have it; five teasers to test you. Can you answer them without resorting to Googlie or Bung (or any other search engine, for that matter)?




As usual (at the risk of repeating myself), I remind you of the main reason for continuing to publish this blog – to raise awareness about bowel cancer. If you have any bowel problems, don’t be fobbed off with the line that you are too young for bowel cancer to be a consideration. Just point your doctor in the direction of



Please, also take the time to click on this link, an informative little video from Stewart's friend Mersh




And finally, Cyril? And finally, Esther, I am indebted to a Mr G. Wallace who provides us with a rather interesting finishing clip for this week. Mr Wallace is somebody who has become a celebrity because he likes food. He particularly likes a buttery biscuit base.  Thanks to Swedemason for that. Yes, know I’ve included that clip before, but it is clever.

I like the buttery, I like the buttery..

That’s all for this week folks, but remember you can read the musings of The Grambler every week (well, most weeks) by going to the blog at where you can also catch up on any previous editions you may have missed.


Happy grambling.


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